The Sensation

Anouk ran into the house and awoke me from the escapade he had been on; I think it was around 2 o clock in the morning.

“Listen; listen”, he said very rapidly. He went on in his classic style of delivery, “I have something very important I must tell you”. He stopped for a breath… or two….. “I had this realisation whilst down by the old bridge. I was by the water leaning on a boat”.

I felt his energy soaring in every instant, far beyond any energy levels I have ever experienced; it was that powerful that it completely transformed my energy levels, along with my perception. He went on perpetual- if-(l)ikely blissful, with each word, just as he always did, but more intense and infinitely refined. It was more than likely that the realisation he had just referred to was something that would revolutionise every super soul on this planet.

(Anouk) I have been concentrating deeply, as you know, but, I have been concentrating on the truth, that inspiration, is the realisation, of the omnipotent, and omniscient presence of wisdom; eternally available at any given moment. I knew this as a truth intellectually through deep contemplation, but, never as deeply and fully as I do now on an experienced emotional level.

I was first concentrating on the truth that I know, both intellectually, and emotionally. As I shine a focussed and concentrated light within me with the realisation that a star is not a small spec of light in the sky. I was trying to grasp this in my mind that not all things are as they seem. However, I had the tendency to just zoom in on the concentrated and focussed image of the star within, the only thing was, that when I done this it lost its concentration and focus as I tried to make the image fill my being.

As I struggled along a little with the construction of this conception in my mind I remembered that I did not yet know something. I did not know the truth about wisdom on an emotional level yet, and that inspiration is the realisation, that wisdom is omnipotent and omniscient. Just as I begun to concentrate on this I heard a voice. The voice came as I intuitively looked up at this brilliant light. It lit up the whole area down by boats. The voice said;

“Shine like that light”.

The light was really bright, it was noticeably brighter than all the other lights, they seemed to dull in comparison. It had a brilliant glow to it as well; the glow was perfectly spherical with the most illuminating radiance coming from its large dense core. However, it was not this sense that adsorbed my full attention in this moment, it was something else.

This voice, I realised something about the voice and how it operates. Let me explain what I am now getting at. We now both know (Anouk and Danlock) that our own thoughts operate at different frequencies; the voice comes in the form of a thought. This voice is our own thought, which we are experiencing on a subjective level, yet it was operating at a much higher frequency than we are currently experiencing, it is a brainwave from above, I higher vibrational thought projection. We must however be receptive and aware of such things at least intellectually first to become insightfully and emotionally experienced.


Everything slowed down for a moment and I could think and see clearly. He always speaks like this I thought, he speaks as though he is truly in the moment, I began to understand just what “the moment” was on a much fuller and deeper level.

We both remained silent, each one of us being completely absorbed in the moment itself.


I then heard Sandy shout on me, I had been waiting on them, I then went with them to a really nice part of town. I was made to feel extremely welcomed and everyone had their own special vibe. We ate fine food and we all had a really good flow of communication. I remembered to try and shine my light, just like that lamp.

I was beginning to really feel the increase of energy but I still couldn’t see every cell of my body being as radiant as my core. I then remembered what I had spoken to you about before; what we see we become. So with this in mind I began to visualise everyone in this whole area to be shining extremely brightly and concentrated through every cell of their body and with a magnetically gravitised aura of brilliance. As I done this, I became what I saw, through the act of first giving it to others; I was able to easily and instantly receiving what I had given after-words.

As always I gave truly, deeply and fully, my deepest thanks for this amazing insight and how amazing EVERYTHING really is. I now see everything clearly, as though I had only been looking through one eye. Awe inspiring brilliance struck me to the core, in a fiery luminescence, through infinite degrees.


I was following him clearly and the questions that were coming to my mind were being answered by his spoken words, flowing effortlessly. I then felt a deep and full connection with all of life as this awareness began to truly sink in. He had taught me to get in the habit of saying “Everything is far more amazing than I have ever imagined, I am experiencing gratitude far beyond any level I have ever felt before, I am infinitely, deeply and fully grateful for everything being truly amazing in my life”. This was the gist of it anyway, but, he did say it is best to play about with the words to find the most powerful way that works in complete harmony with what I desire to experience in life.

We sat facing each other and we were not saying thank you to each other verbally but we were both aware that we were repeating the words, “thank you”, in our hearts and minds. We were saying thank you to each other and with every time the energy levels soared 100 times.

He began speaking again with perfect poise.


This was not even the end of the insight, it went infinitely deeper, truer and clearer than ever before but it came as I was struck with a huge wave of love from the whole world and universe, my eyes welled up with sheer abundance and joy. I was being thanked by the entire universe for being exactly who I am. I gave thanks to the entire universe for being exactly as it is; I gave my thanks to the infinity of universe, truly, deeply and fully. (He pointed his finger 4 times as though he was operating from realms and dimensions of great power).

I suddenly realised that the voice operated through the light of the universe and the light of the universe was symbolised by the bright light I had seen, which in turn symbolised the light within me. The voice is a form of the light of the universe; it just operates on different degrees. All darkness is just light that we cannot see, the darkness is there so that we may fill it with our spiritual light through our communion with the universal light of love.

The Earth Star Network

The Universal Collaboration

The Campaign